my portfolio

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TeaZeap Recruitment Agency

A teaching jobs' listing website for TeaZeap, a teachers' recruitment agency based in Taiwan. The agency can post new jobs and user can apply on those jobs

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Verifacts Academy

A learning management system where clients users have the ability to purchase and take courses, run and download reporting.

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DBS Chatbot UI

A Chatbot UI built with Responsive Web Design which send customer input message to DBS Chatbot and display response message as predefined UI layout from DBS Chatbot

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Admin Dashboard - SEC

A business intelligence dashboard used to track key perfomance indicators (KPIs), metrics, and other key data points relevant to generation department of Swaziland Electricity Company (SEC) in Swaziland

Blog Post


If you need help reining in your spending and getting your personal finances under control, a budgeting app may be just what you need. Budgety alows you to take back that control.