October 2021 - March 2022
React.js, DataGrid, React Hooks, React Router, Formik

Verifacts Academy

Worked with a team of 6 members on developing learning management system where clients users have the ability to purchase and take courses, run and download reporting. The project consists of 5 parts; cloud-based API application, web-based Technician-facing application, web-based Shop/MSO-facing application and a webbased Admin-facing application. I was responsible for developing the admin portal.

The main features and functionalities were;

  • I used React, the JavaScript library for building user interfaces together with React-Bootstrap as UI template.
  • The main functionalities of the admin portal were program management, course/curriculum management, technician management and shop management.
  • The platform also supported e-learning. Courses were classified either in-person or webinar. In the admin portal users can create scheduled slots for live classes each slot containing date/time of the slot, cost/price, length of slot (e.g. 90 minutes), location and number of seats.