Auguts 2019 - February 2020
React.js, Redux, Redux-thunk, React Hooks

Chatbot UI - DBS Bank

Chatbots are software applications that use artificial intelligence & natural language processing to understand what a human wants, and guides them to their desired outcome with as little work for the end user as possible.

Advanced banking chatbots provide access to all of a customer’s data. It can track spending habits, provide credit scores, set and manage budgets and tell the consumer where they are spending their money. This allows for AI-based recommendations and advice for better money management.

In this project, I Worked with a four-mebdeveloping a Chatbot UI for DBS Singapore. Main goal was...

  • To build a new Chatbot UI with Responsive Web Design which send customer input message to DBS Chatbot and display response message as predefined UI layout from DBS Chatbot.
  • I was responsible for developing the Live chat and File Upload components
  • We used React, the JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • We used react-redux for state management
  • Also used Redux Thunk as a middleware for communicating asynchronously with the external Chatbot API